The final season of “Harlem” is set to premiere on 23rd January, bringing the beloved series to an emotional and stylish close. Created and written by Tracy Oliver, the third season follows the four best friends as they navigate life-altering changes. From motherhood and singlehood to sisterhood and complex career and family dynamics, these ambitious women are on a journey to finally put themselves first.
The newly released trailer teases plenty of surprises, including new love interests and a continuation of the dramatic pregnancy cliffhanger from season two. One of the core characters—Camille (Meagan Good), Angie (Shoniqua Shandai), Tye (Jerrie Johnson), or Quinn (Grace Byers)—is revealed to be expecting, while another faces the question of whether motherhood is the right path for her.
In addition to the returning cast, season three welcomes new faces, including Kofi Siriboe, Logan Browning, Robin Givens, and Gail Bean, adding fresh dynamics to the story.
The final season of Harlem premieres January 23. on Prime Video.
Watch below
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