“The Legend of the Vagabond Queen of Lagos,” a captivating blend of thriller and magical realism, is set to make its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), running from September 5-15, 2024.
The film stars Temi Ami-Williams, Debo ‘Mr Macaroni’ Adedayo, and Teniola Aladese, and also marks a significant debut for Nigeria’s Agbajowo Collective. The film has been selected to screen as part of the TIFF 2024 Centrepiece programme (formerly Contemporary World Cinema), where it will stand alongside 43 other films from 41 countries.
Inspired by the directors’ lived experiences, “The Legend of the Vagabond Queen of Lagos” explores the challenges of survival in a rapidly changing world. The story follows a young mother living in a waterfront slum in Lagos, who discovers a hidden stash of corrupt blood money intended for a luxury estate to be built where her community stands. As the looming threat of displacement grows, she must navigate isolation, temptation, and loss to become a unifying force for her people.
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