With Difficulty Comes Ease | Nollywood Reinvented

Brain BurstWith Difficulty Comes Ease | Nollywood Reinvented
With Difficulty Comes Ease | Nollywood Reinvented

With Difficulty Comes Ease” follows the journey of Zainab (portrayed by Uzoamaka Aniunoh), a young widow whose resolve is put to the test as she navigates the complexities of grief, tradition, and fresh starts against the backdrop of religious and cultural pressures. Zainab embodies perseverance, confronting some of life’s most formidable trials with poise and tenacity, illustrating the lasting strength of hope and the human spirit.

With Difficulty Comes Ease” directed by Korede Afeez starts with a tragic opening, which is a powerful storytelling tool, creating a compelling and emotionally resonant narrative. The decision to open the film with a tragic event drives the plot forward by quickly establishing the central conflict and problem that the lead character, Zainab needs to resolve. It creates a sense of urgency and stakes that keep the audience engaged. 

Additionally, starting with a dramatic and emotional event sets a somber and intense tone for the rest of the film, signaling to the audience that the story will explore serious, often heavy themes. It prepares viewers for a narrative that will likely involve loss, struggle, and emotional depth. Such an opening also serves as a catalyst for Zainab’s character development, as it shapes her character motivation, actions, and relationships throughout the film, providing a strong foundation for her arcs. It also provides a framework to delve into the human condition and societal issues. 

While the film is deeply interesting, it does not provide the traditional pleasures of entertainment such as humor, action, or drama. The creators have clearly focused on thoughtful storytelling rather than conventional entertainment. The film tackles heavy and controversial topics, particularly the theme of converting from one religion to another. This subject matter is deeply engaging and provides valuable insights, sparking discussion depending on the audience’s perspective and preferences. However, due to its somber and challenging content, it may not be enjoyable or entertaining in the traditional sense.

With Difficulty Comes Ease” features a slow pace and an unconventional structure that draws viewers into its world in an engaging and thought-provoking manner. It doesn’t provide the immediate gratification of a more fast-paced or straightforward narrative. The film excels in rich character development and intricate dialogue, which will captivate viewers who appreciate these elements, even if the overall experience lacks the excitement or emotional highs often associated with entertainment.

The film centers on Zainab, a young widow grappling with the profound challenges of grief while striving to reconstruct her life amid the weight of traditional and cultural expectations. “With Difficulty Comes Ease” is a deeply character-focused drama that delves into themes of mourning and the solace found in friendship. The story also bravely addresses the delicate issue of familial abandonment that frequently follows a conversion to a new religion, offering a nuanced exploration of the emotional and social ramifications of such a transformative decision.

Different viewers have varied preferences, and what one person finds interesting and intellectually stimulating, another might find lacking in entertainment value. While both aspects are valuable, and films that balance both often achieve a broader appeal, “With Difficulty Comes Ease” does not have a broader appeal. The storyline is authentic but not entertaining in the traditional sense.

When a story is this well-crafted, it will evoke emotional engagement from the viewers. This film left a profound impact on me, thanks to its exceptional storytelling and the cast’s impeccable performances. Despite exploring the familiar theme of the suffering widow, the writer deserves praise for adding depth and nuance. This thoughtful approach enhances the narrative, delivering a powerful tale of loss, resilience, and new beginnings.

Uzoamaka Aniunoh, known for her breakout role in the “MTV Shuga” series, delivers an exceptional performance as Zainab. She effortlessly brings her character to life, using nuanced expressions to convey her struggles without words. The supporting cast, Hajiya (portrayed by Ummi Baba-Ahmed), Rayyan (portrayed by Caleb Richards), Umar (portrayed by Ibrahim Daddy) and Maimuna (portrayed by Habiba Tanko) also shines, adding depth to the narrative with their performances. The script is well-crafted, and the thoughtful storytelling is commendable, featuring engaging dialogue that propels the plot smoothly.

The most powerful moment for me is at the midpoint of the narrative, when Zainab reaches a dead end trying to access her late husband’s money in the bank, and a debtor shows up demanding repayment. Instead of breaking down in tears, Zainab laughs—not out of happiness, but because she realizes the depth of her predicament. This scene showcases the actor’s ingenuity, delivering an authentic and believable performance. At that moment, I was fully immersed in her plight, thinking, “How much can someone take before they break?” Uzoamaka’s performance was consistently compelling and authentic throughout the film. She never once faltered emotionally, carrying the audience’s emotional engagement on her shoulders until the very end. Just like in “Mami Wata,” directed by C.J. Obasi, Uzoamaka demonstrates once again that she’s here to stay as a mainstream actor for a long time.

Ummi Baba-Ahmed’s portrayal of an overbearing mother-in-law is refreshingly balanced, steering clear of the noisy, cliché portrayals we’ve often seen in Nollywood. She brings a new dimension and uniqueness to her role, commanding presence without resorting to unnecessary shouting. This performance highlights her versatility as an actor, especially when compared to her role in “Beyond The Veil” series.

While the film excels in its narrative strength, it unfortunately stumbles when it comes to visuals and cinematography, which are noticeably underwhelming. The storyline is compelling, but the lack of visual allure detracts from the overall experience. Despite this, the film’s meticulous storytelling makes up for its visual deficiencies, highlighting the importance of a well-crafted narrative. 

An authentic approach to conflict, moving beyond the clichéd themes of troublesome in-laws and problematic landlords, would have been a refreshing change. However, even with these limitations, it is gratifying to witness a story told with such deliberate intent. “With Difficulty Comes Ease” remains a captivating tale that successfully maintains the audience’s interest from start to finish.

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